The Leader of the County Council is required to publish a forward plan setting out matters which the Leader believes will be the subject of a key decision by the Cabinet, individual Cabinet member or officer in the period covered by the Plan (the subsequent four months). The Council’s Constitution states that a key decision is one that involves


(a)    expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are, significant having regard to the expenditure of the County Council’s budget, namely above £500,000 per annum; or


(b)    is significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more electoral divisions.


As a matter of good practice, the Council's Forward Plan includes other items in addition to key decisions that are to be considered by the Cabinet/individual members. This additional information is provided to inform local residents of all matters to be considered, with the exception of issues which are dealt with under the urgency provisions.  Only key decisions to be taken by officers are included.


For each decision included on the Plan the following information is provided:


-          the name of the individual or body that is to make the decision and the date of the meeting or relevant time period for an officer decision

-          the title of the report and decision to be considered

-          groups that will be consulted prior to the decision being taken

-          a list of documents that will be considered when making the decision

-          the name and telephone number of the contact officer for each item.


The Plan is updated and published every month on the Council’s website two weeks before the start of the period to be covered.


Meetings of the Cabinet/individual members are open to the public (with the exception of discussion regarding reports which contain exempt/confidential information). Copies of agenda and reports for meetings are available on the website in advance of meetings. Key decisions taken by officers will not be taken at a meeting – documents listed can be made available on request to the contact officer, with the exception of those which contain exempt/confidential information.


For further details on the time of meetings and general information about the Plan please contact Stuart McKeown at County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE, or telephone 01273 481583 or send an e-mail to stuart.mckeown@eastsussex.gov.uk.  For further detailed information regarding specific issues to be considered by the Cabinet, individual Member or officer please contact the named contact officer for the item concerned.


County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE 


For copies of reports or other documents please contact the officer listed on the Plan or phone 01273 335274.


FORWARD PLAN – EXECUTIVE DECISIONS (including Key Decisions) –1 October 2024 TO 31 January 2025

Additional notices in relation to Key Decisions and/or private decisions are available on the Council’s website.


Cabinet membership:


Councillor Keith Glazier - Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development

Councillor Nick Bennett – Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change

Councillor Penny di Cara – Lead Member for Economy

Councillor Claire Dowling  – Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Councillor Carl Maynard  – Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Councillor Bob Bowdler – Lead Member for Children and Families

Councillor Bob Standley – Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Date for Decision

Decision Taker

Decision/Key Issue

Decision to be taken wholly or partly in private (P) or Key Decision (KD)



List of Documents to be submitted to decision maker

Contact Officer


7 Oct 2024

Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health


Household Support Fund Extension October 2024 - April 2025

Approval of the proposed use of the Household Support Fund extension period October 2024 - April 2025. A report is also being considered by the Lead Member for Education and ISEND.





Report, other documents may also be submitted


Mark Hendriks

07701 394501




7 Oct 2024

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Admission arrangements for East Sussex schools 2026-27 (permission to consult)

The Lead Member is asked to approve the statutory consultation for admission arrangements for 2026-27 for schools for which East Sussex County Council is the admission authority.





Report, other documents may also be submitted


Jo Miles

01273 481911




7 Oct 2024

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Household Support Fund Round 5 Extension to end of March 2025

Approval of the proposed use of the Household Support Fund Round 5 for the period (1 October 2024 – 31 March 2025) for the spend on children and families. A report is also being considered by the Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health for the spend of this fund on adults.






Report, other documents may also be submitted


Jessica Stubbings

01323 463537




14 Oct 2024

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Petition to improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians - Keymer Road, Ditchling

A petition was submitted to the County Council on 7 May 2024 and needs to be considered by Lead Member for Transport and Environment.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Victoria Bartholomew

01424 724284




14 Oct 2024

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Proposal for East Sussex Parking Charges in Rother District

To consider the proposal to align Rother District’s permit structure and tariffs to those currently being used in Eastbourne Borough and Lewes District. Introducing tariffs based on vehicle emissions, with higher emitting vehicles being charged more for permits than those producing less emissions. To consider the proposed increase of pay and display charges by 45% in Rother District to encourage alternative travel modes.










Report, other documents may also be submitted


Daniel Clarke

01323 464057




15 Oct 2024

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


County Hall campus - asset review

As part of the Council’s Asset Management Plan 2020-2025, the Council has been undertaking a review of its office accommodation.  It’s Hastings and Eastbourne offices review and implementation are now complete.  An independent review of the County’s largest asset at County Hall, including Westfield House is completed and the findings of this will be set out for the Lead Member to decide on the way forward.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




15 Oct 2024

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


The review of purchasing Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs)

To decide whether East Sussex County Council should continue to purchase Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs).







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Andy Arnold, Andrea Shearing

01273 481606, 07552 286716




15 Oct 2024

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Dilapidations settlement - Unit D Ropemaker Park, Hailsham

East Sussex County Council’s lease of Unit D Ropemaker Park expired in July 2023. A schedule of dilapidations was served by the Landlord. The report will set out the approach to negotiations and recommends that the Lead Member delegates authority to the Chief Operating Officer to approve the final terms of settlement.










Report, other documents may also be submitted


Rebecca Lewis

07955 312371




22 Oct 2024

Director of Adult Social Care and Health


Extension of the online sexual health service

To enact the allowed for 2-year extension of the existing Call-Off Contract from 1 November 2024, on its current terms. The modification of the existing Call-Off contract to incorporate back into the Call-Off Contract Terms, Schedule 7 (GDPR Information. A modification to the element of the Specification relating to the agreed and implemented online HIV Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) service.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Tony Proom

01273 335252




Between  29 Oct 2024 and 31 Oct 2024

Director of Communities, Economy and Transport


Award of contract to carry out a Detailed Design for the A22 Major Road Network (MRN) corridor scheme

Award of contract, following the conclusion of a procurement process, to a consultant to undertake a detailed design for the A22 MRN corridor scheme.






Report, other documents may also be submitted


Clare Marten White

07513 703841




October 2024

Director of Adult Social Care and Health


Supported Living - contract extension for the Supported Living Care Services provision for Working Age Adults with Learning Disabilities at Warwick House and Steyne Road Schemes

The Provider was awarded the care and support contract for a 5-year period which allowed for a further 24-month extension increasing this to 7 years in total. The 5-year initial term comes to an end on 30 November 2024. This is to endorse the allowed for additional 24-month term extension of the existing service Contract on its current terms. 





Report, other documents may also be submitted


Matt Holmes

07827 084704




1 Nov 2024

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


New property arrangements for Rye Sports Centre

To agree new 20 year Lease Agreement between East Sussex County Council and Rye Town Council and under lease by Rye Town Council to the Rye Recreation and Wellbeing Community Interest Company. This is to enable the continuation of the curriculum and community use of Rye Sports Centre and swimming pool.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown, Pauline Young

07394 410630, 01273 481180




1 Nov 2024

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme: Consultation Response

To consider the proposed response to Eastbourne Borough Council billing authority on proposed changes to their Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/26.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Ian Gutsell, Thomas Alty

01273 481399, 07701 394836




4 Nov 2024

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Buzz Active next steps

To note options and agree next steps for the delivery of Buzz Active. (Buzz Active offers outdoor land and water based activities from three locations within East Sussex: Eastbourne Seafront, Bushy Wood in Hailsham and Cuckmere Haven. This decision will enable the Council to progress with the exploration of a different operating model to ensure Buzz Active is fully supported to grow as a centre of excellence for outdoor education and activities for children, young people, their families and the wider community within East Sussex.)







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Michelle Ingham

01273 482550




13 Nov 2024



HM Inspectorate of Probation (HMIP) inspection of Youth Justice Service delivered in East Sussex

Cabinet is asked to note the findings of HM Inspectorate of Probation (HMIP) inspection of Youth Justice Service delivered in East Sussex 10 – 14 June 2024, which was published week commencing 16 September and the action plan which has been developed to address the areas for improvement.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Amanda Watson

01273 481339




13 Nov 2024



Scrutiny Review of Healthy Ageing

To consider and comment on the report of the People Scrutiny Committee and agree the response to the recommendations of the review.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Rachel Sweeney

07561 267461




13 Nov 2024



RPPR update - 2025/26 next steps and Medium Term Financial Plan

To consider an update on the reconciling policy, performance and resources (RPPR) process for 2025/26, the next steps and the medium term financial plan.






Report, other documents may also be submitted


Victoria Beard

07894 708914




18 Nov 2024

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Consultation outcome for revised Seaside and St Anthony's Avenue bus priority proposals in Eastbourne

To consider the outcome of the second public consultation on revised bus priority proposals for Seaside and St Anthony’s Avenue as part of the East Sussex Bus Service Improvement Plan.






Report, other documents may also be submitted


Indi Hicks

07514 721385




18 Nov 2024

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Petition: To request that the Road Safety Team carry out a full Traffic Safety Survey with a view to introducing a new 40mph speed limit through Arlington and Caneheath

To consider a petition for a traffic safety survey and implementation of a 40mph speed limit within the parish of Arlington.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Clare Akehurst

03456 080193




18 Nov 2024

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Proposed installation of advisory disabled parking bay - Hill Crest Road, Newhaven

Following the successful application for the provision of an advisory disabled bay, approval is requested for the position of the advisory disabled bay outside Hill Crest Court, Hill Crest Road.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Natalie Mclean

01273 482628





18 Nov 2024

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Eastbourne Town Centre Movement and Access Package Phase 2a - revised scope

To note and approve the revised scope for Eastbourne Town Centre Movement and Access Package Phase 2a.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Isobel Kellett

07513 833903




Between  18 Nov 2024 and 29 Nov 2024

Lead Member for Economy


East Sussex County Council's proposal for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Employment Support Programme

The DWP is inviting East Sussex County Council to submit a proposal to deliver a devolved Employment Support programme from April 2025 until April 2029. The Council will be accountable for the programme and spend. This decision is to seek agreement to submit a proposal for the DWP Employment Support Programme and to seek a delegation of responsibility for oversight and future decisions for the programme to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.






Report, other documents may also be submitted


Holly Aquilina

01323 463538




19 Nov 2024

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Land parcels at the Phoenix Causeway and North Street, Lewes - Disposal of Freehold

The Lead Member for Resources previously declared parcels of land to be surplus to the County Council’s operational requirements in 2018.  The Council now proposes to retain some of the surplus land but dispose of its land holdings in this locality. There will be delegations to the Chief Operating Officer to finalise the detailed terms with the preferred purchaser.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Rebecca Lewis

07955 312371




19 Nov 2024

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Former Broad Oak Primary School - Disposal of Freehold

This is a former school site that is surplus to operational requirements. Lead Member approval is being sought to formally declare the whole of the asset to be surplus to operational requirements and to approve the disposal of the former main school site. The Lead Member report will seek for the Chief Operating Officer to be granted authority to agree detailed terms with the preferred purchaser at a later date.











Report, other documents may also be submitted


Rebecca Lewis

07955 312371




November 2024

Director of Communities, Economy and Transport


Transport for the South East technical call off contract modification

The Director will consider the increase in contract award for the Transport for the South East technical call off contract, that will allow for the delivery of the technical programme. As per the Value of Services section of the contract, a modification is being sought to increase the initial contract value by £2,000,000 to meet the total estimated value of £4,000,000 as the contract is approaching the initial limit of £2,000,000 (£1,000,000 per calendar year) allocated to the initial term between 1 August 2023 to 31 July 2026.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Lewis Milligan

03003 309574




9 Dec 2024

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


School Organisation Plan 2024 to 2028

To seek Lead Member approval to publish a School Organisation Plan for the period 2024 to 2028. The School Organisation Plan sets out how East Sussex County Council (the local authority), in accordance with its statutory duty, seeks to ensure there are sufficient primary, secondary, and special school places in the right locations to meet demand.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Gary Langford

01273 481758




9 Dec 2024

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


West Rise Community Infant School and West Rise Junior School

To seek a final decision on a proposal to amalgamate West Rise Community Infant School and West Rise Junior School and to change the new school’s age range to 2-11.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Gary Langford

01273 481758




10 Dec 2024



Annual Accounts for Lewes Charitable Trust

Requirement to report annually to Cabinet in line with the current practice where the County Council is a Corporate Trustee.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Samantha McManus

01273 482080




10 Dec 2024



Council Monitoring: Quarter 2

To consider the Council Monitoring report for the second quarter of the financial year 2024/25 as part of the Council's Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) budget monitoring process.






Report, other documents may also be submitted


Victoria Beard

07894 708914




21 Jan 2025

Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health


East Sussex All Age Autism Action Plan

The decision is to agree the content of the East Sussex Autism Action Plan. This is being led through the Autism Partnership Board. This plan will be developed following public consultation consisting of focus groups and a public survey.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Bernadette van Gaalen

07745 106727




21 Jan 2025

Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health


Recommissioning of the Adult Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service contract

The current contract to deliver drug and alcohol treatment in East Sussex ends in March 2026. This includes an allowed for 24-month extension. This request is to agree to commence the process of recommissioning this service in April 2025. The new contract will start in March 2026.








Report, other documents may also be submitted


Caz Kearton-Evans

07879 117579




28 Jan 2025



New corporate Climate Emergency Action Plan

The current Climate Emergency Action Plan ends in March 2025. A new plan, which will run from April 2025 to March 2029, will be presented to Cabinet and full Council for consideration.






Report, other documents may also be submitted


Andy Arnold

01273 481606




28 Jan 2025



Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR): Draft Council Plan


To ask Cabinet to approve the draft Council Plan, Council Tax levels, Revenue Budget and Capital Programme for 2025/26 for recommendation to the County Council (including Savings Proposals, Equality Impact Assessment, Engagement and Scrutiny feedback).






Report, other documents may also be submitted


Claire Lee

07523 930526

